Start studying on Friday after you take a brief rest from your school week. Try studying in this manner on the weekends:
  • Study for 2 hours straight on a single subject with:
    • no breaks
    • no cell phones
    • no computers
    • no television
    • no bathroom breaks
    • no eating
    • no interruptions
  • Take a 15 minute break; this is the amount of break time given in the middle of the SAT exam.
  • Study again for 2 hours without a break.
  • Take up to a 1 hour lunch/rest break.
  • Go over all of your mistakes.
  • Restudy any lessons that you need to work on.
By studying in the above manner, you should be able to get in at least 5 sets of 2 hour study blocks. For students preparing for an AP exam or the SAT/ACT, 4 hour blocks of study with short breaks will greatly help you to simulate and prepare for the real test day. Of course, you must also get in some relaxation on the weekends. You must be well rested to put your best foot forward and give your all for the next week.

Many students want to take a shortcut and would like me to infuse them with knowledge. You cannot just work with me. I can teach you the material. I can give you tips and shortcuts and connect the concepts for you, but you must practice to internalize the concepts. Math is very much a language. If you don’t know a concept well from earlier chapters or from a previous math class, this hole in your math knowledge base will very likely hinder your future understanding.

Work hard. Aim high.
Go after your dreams.
Make yourself the best you.