New Year’s Resolution: Make the most of your Holiday Break to prepare for finals! Study in this manner to simulate the “real” finals day:

  • Wake up no later than 7:30 to 8:30 am.
  • Study for 2 hours on a single subject without a break.
    • no cell phones
    • no computers
    • no tv
    • no bathroom break
    • no eating
    • no interruptions
  • Take a 15 to 20 minute break.
  • Study again for 2 hours without a break.
  • Take up to a 1 hour lunch/rest break.
  • Go over all of your mistakes.
  • Restudy any lessons that you need to work on.
  • Work for another up to another 6 to 8 hours on your studies.
The above steps often simulate the first 2 days of finals.  Train you mind and body to focus for finals time.  Study a single topic until mastery is achieved.  Consider the following when deciding how to allocate your time to finals review:
  • Your exact grade in your classes.
  • Calculate the exact percentage to pull up your grade to the next level or to maintain a C-, B-. A-.
  • How much time you have to study.
  • How many borderline grades you have; it is often not advisable to divide your attention among 5 classes with borderline grades.
  • Determine which classes you have the best chances of pulling up in.
  • Talk to all teachers to see if any tests can be retaken, extra credit offered, tests/quizzes dropped, etc.
Do everything possible to ensure your grades.  You can’t go back and change it after finals.